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時間:2024-09-15 欄目:復習備考

















第二段解釋含義(即普遍性+舉例子)可正說說,再反說說。 正說說的說法有:only with...,can we...

反說說的說法有:we can hardly...without ...



第一段:No other things could capture our attention and imagination like this picture. Indeed, whoever in front of it may be very much enlightened. What can be clearly seen from it is that 完整的句子。 How instructive it is! Farfetched as it appears,the illustrator undoubtedly intends far deeper meaning.

舉一反三:No other things---------few things


attention and imagination ------..ion and ..ion可以去掉其中一個\interesting and instructive\impressive\instructive

this picture----- the above picture\the picture above

Indeed,whoever in front of it may be very much enlightened------It is so fascinating and illuminating that anyone in front of it cannot help thinking deeply.

Thinking deeply----being fascinated(impressed\attracted\ enlighted )

What can be clearly seen from it is that 描寫圖畫,必須為完整的句子。 --------------------?what is subtly(vividly\apparently) featured in it is that

寫圖畫,必須為完整的句子。 ?Illutrated in it is that描寫圖畫,必須為完整的句子 ?what can be clearly seen from the cartoon above is不是句子,而是名詞 \名詞詞組+who\which....

第二段:本段中的首句或者首段的尾句,可以用“設問句”形式,如What on earth does it actually intend to mirror?

on earth ----on the world mirror-------reflect\present


That the above image does carry fairly significant intended meanings goes far beyond any reasonable dispute. Indeed, it is indicative of a pretty familiar scene in nowadays societyin history has the issue of 切題been concerned so much as in our society today.Looking around, we can find similar events too numerous to list. A persuasive example goes to one of my acquaintances, who 細節。

A persuasive example-----a telling example\a telling illustration\a case in point

whoacquaintance of mine\a former colleague of mine\one of my former colleagues.

其他介紹普遍性的句子還有:it should be noted that such a scene is fairly familiar to us all, occurring all too often in nearly all walks of life. 可以虛構一些統計的數據,如:

?A survey conducted by China Youth Daily at the end of last year reveals that 越來越多的人-------a growing percentage of the population\an increasing number of people




?“某位名人說的話”,notes Dr.名人的名字,同位語。

?As a song puts it," "



?Much can be done.

?What is needed is a package deal

?There has to be joint efforts of the whole society. ④As long as the whole society make substantial efforts, our society will surely be better.

⑤However much importance we attach to such a phenomenon, it is, of course, far from being enough.

⑥The general public, fortunately, have been made aware that從句


What to do ? "Effective and efficient measures should be encouraged to curb(或者promote)切題的句子。,says Dr.Mi min, 同位語.There has to be joint efforts of the whole society.What tops the agenda is to enhance people's awareness of the severity(或者significance) of such a phenomenon. The government,mass media and schools of all levels should serve as a counterbalance(或者driving force) to this tide, communicating their positive messages to the public.Meanwhile, each of us should make substantial efforts to take plunge into the campaign to curb(或者promote) .


I am confident that \ I'm strongly believed that \There are reasons to be optimistic .



